Friday, July 27, 2012

Calm Down, It's Only a Hullabaloo

I have not seen anyone I went to kindergarten with in four decades. And the only time I see people from fifth grade is when I check my feed on Facebook.

Any time Steve Denyes and Brendan Kremer want to see people from their remote past, they just look at each other. The co-founders of Hullabaloo met in their (near)-infancy and have played more than 1,500 shows throughout the country since formalizing their partnership.

Hullabaloo's tenth (!) studio CD, RAISE A RUCKUS, hits the streets on September 4 and continues the band's streak of producing accessible, low-key countrified music with tongue planted firmly in cheek.

"Dad Upside Down" builds on simple palindromes (words that remain the same backwards and forwards):

"Sis spelled backwards still spells sis,
Sis spelled backwards still spells sis,
Listen here mister, you're talking about my backwards sister,
Sis spelled backwards still spells sis."

Finally, some words make other words when they're upside down. But dad? He's just a mess. A clever way for kids to talk about their parents and not even understand the double entendre.

Hullabaloo takes advantage of the kindie community with guest appearances by Molly Ledford (Lunch Money), versatile instrumentalist Dennis Caplinger, and Grammy winners Marcy Marxer and Buck Howdy. But the focus remains on the blend of wordplay and musical skill.

Many of the songs on RAISE A RUCKUS would not be out of place on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry. In fact, the title track is a reworking of a country standard, retaining the twang while adding a pre-teen spin.

Here is the video for "Dad Upside Down":

There are times to rock out and times to sit on the back porch and relax. Hullabaloo straddles the gap with a "Song About Nothing" and "Out Standing." In the latter song, a child prefers to play outside during inclement weather ("Inside is boring.")

It's alright (mama) to bring a little country into your home every now and then. An when else can you tell people that a little Hullabaloo is necessary to keep the kids happy?

RAISE A RUCKUS is available on September 4 through the band's website, Amazon, CDBABY, and iTunes.

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