Then again, when you're five, all it takes to become a cowboy is a hat, a badge, and a bandana.
To become a doctor, you need one of dad's long, white shirts and a tongue depressor.
And to become a musician, all you need is an instrument.
DidiPop (Deborah Poppink) wants to help kids perpetuate their dreams.

A children's piano teacher for more than 20 years, Deborah's passion for music turned a new corner after the birth of her daughter (at age 43). With 35 stamps on her passport, Deborah has played and taught music in such exotic locals as Bali, Montreal, Laos, Turkey, Belize, Tahiti, Morocco and Malaysia, in addition to performances in L.A. clubs like The House of Blues and McCabe's. A 2009 trip to Maui with family provided the inspiration and ambiance for most of the songs on her first CD, "DidiPop Goes to Hawaii."
On November 1, DidoPop releases her second CD, "Everyday Adventures," which presents 15 original songs for the junior set. I've yet to receive a childrens' CD from a California-based artist that does not include (at least) one Beach Boys-inspired song, and this one is no exception. "Feed the Pet" gives sweet, harmonic instructions about animal care. And kids get an amusing lesson in sitting still from "Tush on the Cush."
Deborah started writing childrens songs a decade ago for a TV project (The DidiPop Show) but didn't consider recording them until the birth of her daughter Delilah in 2005. Hannah followed two years later and the process developed organically. Now her kids provide background vocals and inspiration. Mostly, they provide the dreams, as children are wont to do.
And as her song insists on the new CD, "Any dream is possible." "Everyday Adventures" is a whimsical, fast-moving collection that's over way too soon.
At least while you're still a child.
1 comment:
thanks Jeff! I hope you remember to keep following your heart too. any dream is any stage or any age!!
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